How Would You Rate Your Organization?
- Significant dependence on paper forms and documents including manual filing (look for lots of filing cabinets and banker boxes).
- Significant costs associated with document retrieval when discovery notice is issued or claims need to be substantiated.
- Manual effort required to provide billing backup (e.g. invoice copies, time sheets).
- HR documents scattered about including manual folders, local drives and perhaps without proper security. Delays in Payroll receiving pertinent information
- Over reliance on non-compliant, personal Cloud-storage options without proper security or archival strategy.
- Frustration within the user-community around time/effort to retrieve project documents when necessary.
- Lengthy and manual effort required to provide customers documents at project closeout.
- Heavy reliance on e-mail for workflow and document distribution.
- Storage of larger files like drawings, photographs and some PDFs replicated and in various applications without proper indexes.
- Insufficient or no document retention policy and/or no system in place to enforce and aid compliance.