Burger Consulting Group’s Angus Frost is quoted in the Summer 2021 issue of Toggle Magazine (page 126 – 127). In a profile on PC Construction Co., Angus comments on Burger Consulting Group’s help in the ERP selection process for PC Construction; both in 2007 and again in 2021.

In determining which ERP to use, Lessor says he partnered with Chicago-based Burger Consulting Group, just as the company had done in 2007 with PC Construction’s first major ERP selection process.
“They provide sound options to consider, so we can make fact-based decisions,” he explains. Burger Consulting Group General Manager Angus Frost says they helped PC Construction evaluate various technology scenarios. “Randy gets the value of vendor relationships. He doesn’t just bring us in when he needs an independent, outside perspective,” Frost says. “He stays in touch and is happy to share knowledge. It’s one of the things that makes him stand out from others in the industry.”
To read the complete article on Toggle’s website, please visit this link.