Case Study: IT Direction from Operations for Large Energy Contractor
Client Size
ERP Application
Other Related Applications
• Oracle
• Textura
• PMWeb


Unique Challenges

Burger Consulting Group conducted a variety or process-related workshops and interviews with most of the primary departments in the organization. In addition, Burger Consulting Group IT consultants briefed most of the IT leadership on matters of data, priorities, enterprise architecture, and related issues. Stand-alone research and development (R&D) was conducted on the current solution stack as well as planned replacements.
Burger Consulting Group took a hard look at the ERP replacement initiative as well. With all the data collected, Burger Consulting Group developed planning materials including observations and recommendations. Burger Consulting Group facilitated a planning workshop with the IT department and then the business unit managers to gain consensus on the overall plan and direction. This was followed closely by a presentation of the recommendations to the senior leadership team to review the agreed upon plan and develop organizational commitment.

Burger Consulting Group made many tactical recommendations which were all well received in terms of solutions, integrations, and process improvement. But the most significant change was directed at how IT engages with the business and gets their direction. This included a number of changes in IT governance and organization.