Case Study: Software Selection – Heavy Civil Contractor – California
Client Size
$200M to $500M
(Annual Revenue)


Unique Challenges

Burger Consulting Group facilitated a software selection process for this company with input from personnel at both offices. Through this process the client evaluated, purchased, and implemented a software product specifically designed for the construction industry and one that is fairly structured in its operation. This was desirable as the company did not have, nor did they want to develop, a larger and more sophisticated staff.
The product chosen also had a unit-price estimating product available with an innovative interface to the Job Cost, Billing, Purchasing, and Subcontract Management applications. The company found this to be a significant advantage over some of the nonintegrated packages they were considering.


Lessons Learned:
- Review the resumes of any consulting or training staff that will be involved in the implementation.
- If multiple people from a single vendor are going to be involved in the implementation, make sure they have a channel of communication in place that works.